Web Analytics

Measure the data and choose the best web marketing strategy

Web Analytics

A data driven approach to measure the return on investment.

Web analytics is a discipline based on specific KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that are used to measure the actions that usera perform on your website or through advertising links on your pages: visits, unique visitors, rebound frequency, conversions and so on.

Our team knowa all the techniques for carrying out an exhaustive tracking, measuring, interpreting and exploiting the data collected in a strategic and competent way. It is not just numbers, but a strategic approach driven by data.

Knowing the users behaviors and their path on your website is the best thing you can do. Are you still wondering why? Talk to us and we will let you know.


How important is it to measure the performance of your ads?

Too often underestimated, the activity of monitoring the performance of Google Ads ads is one of the most important in digital marketing: it allows you to implement an increasingly refined strategic approach, to achieve greater results and, therefore, to optimize the return on investment. Moreover, thanks to accurate reporting, you can always keep costs and revenues under control of your business. Are you still thinking about it? Talk to us. You will change your mind.

Objective: Performance

Lots of data, one goal: a truly performing website

We like to look at things from different perspectives with the aim of providing a complete analysis and critical interpretation of data and reality. This is why we not only use Google Analytics, but also the most innovative and various web analytics tools. Thanks to these tools we can provide a large amount of statistics to support basic data such as the number of daily accesses, the origin of the visits and the browsing devices. Our analyzes concern the bounce rate, the most interesting pages, the users behavior on your website and all those factors that are decisive for achieving the main objective in the business field: sales, subscription to a newsletter or the convertion.

Why the brain

The activity of Web Analytics is the analytical mind that collects data, reads and interprets them, identifying those connections that the imagination alone could never create with a critical sense and rationality.

Web Analytics

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