LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads, direct contact with your ideal contact


We make you visible to a professional audience

LinkedIn Ads is LinkedIn's advertising system. The system makes it possible to target the target audience also according to the salary received: think for example of campaigns for luxury items, which require a fairly large budget, or the launch of a car for a higher segment.

In our agency we have pay per click system experts who know the best ad strategies for all major systems, from Google Ads to Facebook Ads and Linkedin Ads.

Our agency is among the best known in the Canton of Ticino for its ability to combine the practical aspect and advice.


What are LinkedIn Ads campaigns for?

Being on LinkedIn with a company page is strategically important to communicate appointments to your followers, to launch new products and for many other reasons that we can explain to you in our web marketing agency located in the heart of Canton Ticino.


What kind of audience do I target with LinkedIN campaigns?

LinkedIn is very useful to increase B2B contacts and to meet new prospects. Thanks to the ability to create groups and make targeted advertising, this social network allows you to expand brand awareness even towards a B2C audience.

New contacts

How can I attract new contacts on LinkedIN?

To attract new contacts it is possible to think about the creation of discussion groups: a kind of forum within LinkedIn which therefore requires community activity. Organica will be able to provide the best strategy for a presence on the most important professional social network.

What it takes

What does it take to launch effective LinkedIn campaigns?

The management of LinkedIn pages has some peculiarities that cannot be overlooked. LinkedIn is a social channel in which a language made up of skills is preferred: targeted posts are needed, including technical ones, which highlight the strengths of the company.

Do you want to carry out your new project?

Our references

We have endless stories to tell you in which you can find: a small part of your company, your brand or your story.

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