
SEO positioning

When the customer asks you: ""Seo, Seo, Seo!"" And you answer him that the right way is sometimes in the middle and could consist of Seo, SEM and Social, but the customer still says: Seo!
When we receive this type of request or face this type of challenge, our owner tells us that his grandfather told him: ""attack the donkey where the owner says"". In this case, the owner of the donkey and the grandfather of our owner were really right.

We are in the fifth year of SEO activity on this client and we are happy that our collaboration is so long-lasting and effective, even if we do not completely lose hope of being able to one day make him do a Google or YouTube campaign. Full speed ahead!



Writing quality content but at the same time functional from an SEO perspective


Create a value structure for the optimization of search channels and on social media to enhance the positioning of the Brand on the web


Five years of visibility and positioning on the web and compared to competitors.
Oragnica Referenze

Villa L. & Figlio srl
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